GORE: Horde of titans

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Inspired to Tormentor667 works and Quake, with glimpses of D&D and other rpg games, this project started back in 2011 while I still wasn't online and no one knew about me in the modding scene. Once I first joined ZDoom Forums in 2014, I have reworked the whole idea and set up something cool and creepy under GZDoom and just doing the first map took me 6 months. Released in alpha stage in 2015 and still in development (on hiatus for a very long time because of my collaborations here and there), it has been my very first love letter to the modding scene.
Hopefully one day I'll dig it up again and give it love which it deserve, surely with Hexed Underworld one of my most ambitious megawad to hype with.

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Years ago, probably around 2009, I noticed a cool old mod called Batman Doom from ACE Team, the same ones who did the unforgotten Ghostbusters Doom mod just to say (which is a pity that they never finished it though... and I even had a plan to improve it but had to reject the idea). Then one day I was trying to aid a certain Ed The Bat on ZDForums with his patches for the old Batman Doom in order to make it work properly under ZDoom and Skulltag.
After some thinkering and to take a pause from Gore development, I did push myself and invested some time to help him improve the mod, which lately become then a standalone enhanced version of itself.
Thanks to this mod I joined BoA Team.

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It was 1995 under my brother's 486 dx2 80mhz when I did my first attempt to play Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, and that moment surely framed in my mind and gaming experience with unprecedented hype and fun. I was still learning english at school as my second language and it did help improve me a lot my grammar and such, but also made me love fully Heretic and Hexen games a year after. Then once I found the old jHexen port I always wondered what could have been building up a project that could merge my favorite games into a single experience as a mod... GZDoom appeared in my hands soon after that and I begun to figure out how to make mods, and Hexed will be surely one of the most cool hopefully.

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This is the only jokewad I have release at the moment for the community, and the idea behind it is born by following features which were going to be added on GZDoom engine.
As soon roll, flatsprite and wallsprite became a thing, I had obviously to build up this stupid thing and release it on ZDoom Forums just for fun, and to also play with the features, which become very important later during Blade of Agony development and the understanding of working with flat models as dummy decals to beautify maps and actors behaviors in general.
It should also work with Ultimate Doom, have some cool headaches with it.